Nulla Bike Concept
While finishing up his degree, Brad took a class in transportation design. Rather than produce another sports coupe or sedan, he used the class to truly explore transportation. The Nulla bike was the fruit of his effort.
Nulla bike
is a minimalist bike concept.
Nulla is one way of saying “nothing” in
Italian. Bradford Waugh named it that way for lack of central hubs or
chain-drive, giving it a very minimal visual weight.
“Ditch that fancy car and buy a stylish bicycle”
This is what you are going to say once you have this one with you.
With such a clean, simple and sleek look
This bicycle is surely going to change your mind whether to buy a car, or bike or bicycle. This futuristic bicycle provides deep coverage, good appearance and comfort perfect for riding and skating. However, it is not sure whether you will have a safe riding with this kind of seat on a bicycle