EarthHour2023: TheBiggestHourForEarth

Natural Heritage

Natural Heritage
Preserving the natural patrimony is the most inexpensive and efficient environmental economics. The term natural heritage derives from the French "patrimoine naturel", the totality of natural assets, including those of historical, cultural or scenic beauty. It give us understanding the importance of natural environment: where we came from, what we do and how we will be. Our lives are connected to the landscapes of our daily lives, as well as we keep the memories of places we went. The destruction of these landscapes cause irreversible environmental damage, and are an insult to our memory, causing loss of quality of life.

EcoFriends WorldWide

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Senado aprova a Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos

The system, called reverse logistics, should be implemented by manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers. Thus, after use, items such as batteries and tires, plus the electronic products and components, will return for companies that will give adequate environmental disposal. 

O sistema, chamado de logística reversa, deverá ser implantado por fabricantes, importadores, distribuidores e comerciantes. Com isso, depois de usados, itens como pilhas,baterias e pneus, além dos produtos eletroeletrônicos e seus componentes, deverão retornar para as empresas, que darão a destinação ambiental adequada. 

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