EarthHour2023: TheBiggestHourForEarth

Natural Heritage

Natural Heritage
Preserving the natural patrimony is the most inexpensive and efficient environmental economics. The term natural heritage derives from the French "patrimoine naturel", the totality of natural assets, including those of historical, cultural or scenic beauty. It give us understanding the importance of natural environment: where we came from, what we do and how we will be. Our lives are connected to the landscapes of our daily lives, as well as we keep the memories of places we went. The destruction of these landscapes cause irreversible environmental damage, and are an insult to our memory, causing loss of quality of life.

EcoFriends WorldWide

Friday, June 8, 2012

UN launches Global Environment Outlook 5 - GEO5

Launch of GEO 5: 
UN’s Most Comprehensive Assessment of the Global Environment

Report Analyzes State of World Environment and Progress Towards International Goals

Rio - 6 June 2012 

The launch of GEO‐5 comes right after 'World Environment Day', whose theme is ‘Green Economy‐‐Does it Include You?’ Together they are part of the build up to Rio+20, taking place later in June, where world leaders will meet to scale‐up and accelerate a transition to a Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication.

GEO‐5 is aimed at underlining the science in order to remind world leaders of the urgency to act on behalf of seven billion people, rising to over nine billion by 2050.

The findings of GEO‐5 are particularly timely and relevant in the lead‐up to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) later in June 2012. Prominent panelists from the region will offer different perspectives based on their areas of expertise. UNEP’s Executive Director, Achim Steiner, will launch the global report from Rio on 6 June at 4.00PM Geneva time.

Get GEO5 Report PDF download:

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