EarthHour2023: TheBiggestHourForEarth

Natural Heritage

Natural Heritage
Preserving the natural patrimony is the most inexpensive and efficient environmental economics. The term natural heritage derives from the French "patrimoine naturel", the totality of natural assets, including those of historical, cultural or scenic beauty. It give us understanding the importance of natural environment: where we came from, what we do and how we will be. Our lives are connected to the landscapes of our daily lives, as well as we keep the memories of places we went. The destruction of these landscapes cause irreversible environmental damage, and are an insult to our memory, causing loss of quality of life.

EcoFriends WorldWide

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Play also for the environment 
How to collaborate for the match against global warming? Whether or not Corinthian, you can take simple actions. 
Global warming is caused by the rise in average temperature of Earth, as a consequence of the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. These gases stems in large part, the emissions from everyday activities of our development model, such as transportation, food production, forest fires and deforestation. Climate change due to this fact intensify extreme phenomena such as droughts and desertification, floods, hurricanes threatening the quality of life and even survival of much of humanity. 
Small changes in our practices of the day to day can make a big difference. We are part of the problem but can also be part of the solution. 

Plant trees in your home 
In addition to neutralize CO2, they also collaborate with the improvement of the microclimate, mitigating impacts such as floods and heat islands. 
Reduce and turn off the lights that are not using 
The Brazilian electric power is "clean" because it comes from hydroelectricity. Moreover, hydroelectric need a striking structure, causing environmental imbalances that contribute much to the causes of global warming. Save power by preventing more plants are built. (Hint: only buy the low-power appliances, with the seal Procel) 

Eat less meat 
Much of methane, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming comes from livestock. Reduce your meat consumption, will not only contribute to reducing emissions but also to the preservation of forests and reduction of water consumption. Discover new flavors. Meet the campaign Monday no meat. 
In shopping, use cloth bags or cardboard boxes 
A common plastic bag can take up to 500 years to decompose, so avoid consumption, recycle and adopt best practices as the use of durable plastic bags or cardboard boxes. When shopping consume only what is necessary, giving preference to products and services actually concerned about this issue. (Hint Akatu Institute, meet the campaign "I am not plastic") 

Save water 
In the world water is becoming increasingly expensive and increasingly rare. Fix that faucet is dripping and save on average 46 liters of water a month. Adjust your discharge and close the tap when brushing your teeth. Save 30 gallons of water every five minutes in the bath reduced. 

Go by bike or use public transport 
In addition to pollute less and minimize the traffic, you can still exercise. Nothing better than a good walk to the bakery. 
When using the car, encourage carpooling and prefer vehicles powered by biofuels such as ethanol. 

Spread this cause 
Try send e-mail, connect to friends and spread through their social networks. The goal is to educate as many people as possible so that they also play for the environment. 

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